Camisola "navy" / Navy inspired sweater

O fio é o mesmo que utilizei na Dawn: estava a tricotá-la quando vi que a metragem e a cor se adequavam perfeitamente a este modelo. Para o azul escuro utilizei uns restos de algodão Âncora Criativa que tinha em casa. Apesar de ter uma metragem diferente apenas foi necessário tricotar com agulhas mais finas.
I love navy inspired garments and I use to keep an eye on that kind of patterns, like this sweater from the magazine where I took cardigan Tierra from. Yarn is the same I used in Dawn, when I was knitting it I noticed that the yardage suited this pattern as well as the colour. For the cast-on in blue navy I used some leftovers of Anchor Criativa cotton (in spite of the yardage being different the only requirement was using thinner needles).

Fio: King Cole Bamboo Cotton (50% bambu 50% algodão) 100g/230m - 450g em branco - mais alguns gramas de Âncora Creativa (100% algodão) 50g/125m em azul escuro
Agulhas: 3,5 mm (algodão azul), 4,5 mm (canelado cós e punhos) e 5 mm
Pattern: Fait Main Tricot Printemps 2009 (#37)
Yarn: King Cole Bamboo Cotton (50% bamboo 50% cotton) 100g/230m – 450g in white – plus some leftovers of Anchor Style Creativa (100% cotton) 50g/125m in blue navy
Needles: 3,5 mm (blue cotton), 4,5 mm (rib) and 5 mm

It was quite pleasant knitting this pattern because of both the yarn texture and the stitches and cables combination, after having knitting this yarn in lace stitch it was interesting working it with texture.

The only changes I made: increased the sleeve length and made a crocheted trim at the necklace because it turned out quite irregular after cast off as you can see below. In the original photo i can’t understand how it turned out becuase it is partially covered... In my case, a row of half treble crochet solved the question.

I loved the outcome. A basic sweater, perfect for cool summer days and mid-season. From the 3 pieces showed here, this was the 2nd waiting to be sewn. Now, I’m working on the lilac sweater and, as I can’t stand having just one WIP, I started already a pattern from Kim Hargreaves too.