Vestido laranja (inspiração Chanel) / Orange dress (Chanel inspiration)

Make a dress for a wedding in just over 4 days is a little bit crazy. And who decides something like that? Well, blame the shoes. I had already decided to wear trousers but after I bought the shoes I didn’t like to see them with the trousers which were covering them, so I changed my mind and decided to wear a dress. But I didn’t find any I liked on shops, so I had to do one myself. This was the weekend before the wedding’s.

Modelo: Burda 08/2009 # Mod. 128
Tecido: 1,70 m de cetim laranja (loja: Planeta dos Tecidos, Torres Vedras)
Pattern: BWOF 08/2009 #Patt. 128
Fabric: 1,70 m orange satin
Decidi-me por este modelo da Burda depois de ensaiar as pregas da saia em pano cru e de ter gostado do efeito.
I chose this pattern after I’d essayed the skirt ruffles on some fabric and had liked the effect.
I chose this pattern after I’d essayed the skirt ruffles on some fabric and had liked the effect.

No dia seguinte, uma Segunda-feira, fui comprar o tecido. Na Terça-feira, que felizmente era o feriado do 5 de Outubro, meti mãos à obra. Depois foi durante o resto da semana, a seguir ao trabalho. No Sábado, véspera do casamento, foi uma maratona mas consegui. Tenho a agradecer à minha mãe que me ajudou ao fazer as bainhas das mangas e da saia, o que me permitiu adiantar outras coisas.
The day after, a Monday, I bought the fabric. Tuesday, fortunately was an holiday, so I could sew all day long. I worked the rest of the week after arriving from work. I had to thank my mum who helped me by sewing the sleeves and skirt's hems, what allowed me to take advance on other things.
The day after, a Monday, I bought the fabric. Tuesday, fortunately was an holiday, so I could sew all day long. I worked the rest of the week after arriving from work. I had to thank my mum who helped me by sewing the sleeves and skirt's hems, what allowed me to take advance on other things.

O fecho invisível foi uma das partes mais gratificantes deste projecto. Esta foi a 1º vez que usei este pé calcador especial para fechos invisíveis. Já uma vez tinha cosido um (aqui) mas usei um outro pé acessório da máquina que, apesar de também ser indicado para coser fechos, não permite um resultado tão preciso. A parte central do acessório mantém o fecho afastado da agulha permitindo que esta cosa o mais junto possível do fecho sem o atingir. Podem encontrar em retrosarias, este é da Prym e é universal, vem com 3 pés diferentes e é só escolher o que se adapta à nossa máquina.
The invisible zipper was one of the most rewarding parts of this project. This was the first time I used this special zipper foot. I had already put one once (here) but I had used another accessory foot which, even though it was also indicated for sewing zippers, it does not allow a result as accurate. This is from Prym and is universal.

The invisible zipper was one of the most rewarding parts of this project. This was the first time I used this special zipper foot. I had already put one once (here) but I had used another accessory foot which, even though it was also indicated for sewing zippers, it does not allow a result as accurate. This is from Prym and is universal.

O vestido foi forrado na parte de cima. Foi-me bastante útil a tesoura zig-zag para recortar o forro e chuleá-lo em simultâneo.
The upper part of the dress was underlining. It was quite useful the zigzag scissor to cut the lining and give it the finishing simultaneously.
The upper part of the dress was underlining. It was quite useful the zigzag scissor to cut the lining and give it the finishing simultaneously.

The part most challenging was undoubtedly setting in the sleeves. This is attach the sleeves to the armhole. The question is that the sleeve cap is always larger than the armscye, so it’s necessary gather the sleeve cap fabric up to it matches the armscye, but the stitching should be very careful not to form ruffles! It seemed me impossible but it isn’t as I found out with great relief.

O cinto foi feito com fita de gorgorão (4 cm da largura) forrada com o avesso do tecido, que é castanho. O tecido foi colado à fita com cola para tecido da Gütermann.
The belt was made with grosgain ribbon (4 cm width) lined with the underside of the fabric (brown). It was glued with textile glue from Gütermann.

Pormenor da presilha para o cinto, na costura lateral (feita com linha de coser):
Belt loop’s detail on side seam (done with sewing thread):


Eu simplesmente adoro chapéus, por isso não perco uma oportunidade de usar os que tenho, e os casamentos são óptimas ocasiões para o fazer. O chapéu que considero mais elegante para usar numa cerimónia destas é a capeline, que é este modelo de aba larga.
Tenho esta capeline de feltro castanho que conjugava-se perfeitamente com os tons do vestido. Para enriquecer o conjunto decidi fazer uma flor para o chapéu no tecido do vestido.
I simply love hats so I don’t miss an opportunity to wear those I have and weddings are perfect occasions to do it. The hat I find the most elegant for such occasion is capeline. I have this brown felted capeline that matches perfectly the colours of the dress and I decided to make a flower to put on it in the same fabric of the dress.

The flower was made with a technique I discovered online (after many fruitless attempts to do a satin flower). I was quite surprised with the technique and the result. You just have to cut fabric circles in different sizes and then very slightly melt the edges with a lighter or a candle (I recommend a candle instead of a lighter because it allows you to hold the fabric with both hands and there is no risk of burning your fingers with the hot metal of the lighter). Then you just need to overlap the circles and attach them together (in the middle I put a lined button).
Golden beige clutch (Chanel type):

E estes são os sapatos que deram origem a isto tudo...
Bem, não acham que valeu a pena?
And these are the guilty shoes...
Don’t you think it worth it?

(Nota: Esqueci-me de tirar fotografias com o telemóvel no casamento para publicar aqui, quando tiver fotos oficiais actualizo!
Note: I forgot to take pictures on the wedding with my cell phone to publish here, when I'll have official photos I update!)
Etiquetas: costura / sewing